Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chatsworth DUI Checkpoint on 3/25/2011

type="html" xml:lang="en" xml:base=""> The Los Angeles Police Department is now holding sobriety checkpoints beyond just the city limits of L.A. This week, law enforcers with the police department will be traveling to the city of Chatsworth to try and prevent DUI crimes. LAPD announced in a press release this week that a DUI checkpoint has been scheduled tonight at the following time and location.

Friday March 25: Topanga Canyon Boulevard between Devonshire Street and Chatsworth Street, between 8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.

Chatsworth drivers should be on the lookout for a marked roadblock and be aware of the legal rights that they have when proceeding through the DUI checkpoint. We've discussed the legal rights of motorists in a blog post titled "Los Angeles DUI Attorneys Analyze Sobriety Checkpoints."

]]> When Chatsworth drivers proceed through the marked checkpoint, law enforcers will not only be checking drivers for signs of impairment, but they will also look to see if motorists have proper licensing. If officers suspect that a driver is impaired, field sobriety tests will be administered. Failing field sobriety tests could lead to a DUI arrest.

LAPD has stated that DUI checkpoints have proven to be an effective enforcement tool in the area and the department claims that the checkpoints have contributed to the reduction in the number of people killed and injured in alcohol involved crashes.

Across the state of California, traffic deaths reportedly declined by 23 percent, from 3,995 in 2007 to 3,081 in 2009. However, let’s not forget that alcohol impaired deaths still make up the largest category of overall vehicle fatalities.

Related Resources:

Find a Los Angeles DUI Checkpoint (FindLaw)Drunk Driving: Elements of the Offense (FindLaw)What are Field Sobriety Tests? (FindLaw)]]>

View the original article here

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