Tuesday, March 29, 2011

DUI Checkpoint in Sherman Oaks on 2/25/2011

type="html" xml:lang="en" xml:base="http://losangelesduiblog.com/"> The Los Angeles Police Department conducts DUI checkpoints just about every weekend with money provided by the California Office of Traffic Safety. This week, LAPD has announced a DUI checkpoint in the city of Sherman Oaks at the following time and location:

Friday February 25: Ventura Boulevard between Noble Avenue and the San Diego Freeway (I-405), between 8:00 P.M. and 2:00 A.M.

]]> Traffic fatalities are reportedly at the lowest levels that they’ve been at in six decades, which is when the federal government first began compiling figures of traffic deaths. So while some people might be questioning if DUI checkpoints are really necessary as a way of reducing the number of persons killed in alcohol involved crashes, the LAPD states that sobriety checkpoints have become a proven enforcement tool in reducing the number of DUI collisions in the Los Angeles area.

Anybody planning to drive after drinking on Ventura Boulevard in the Sherman Oaks area tonight should probably make sure that they have a designated driver. The penalties for a DUI conviction in California can include jail, vehicle storage fees, license suspension, insurance rate increases, fines and fees, driving under the influence classes, as well as other expenses that can exceed $10,000.

Law enforcers in California have certain constraints when conducting sobriety checkpoints because of the landmark Supreme Court case Ingersoll vs. Palmer. More information about a driver’s legal rights when traveling through a DUI checkpoint or other roadblock can be found in an earlier blog post titled, “Los Angeles DUI Attorneys Analyze Sobriety Checkpoints.”

Related Resources:

Find a Los Angeles DUI Attorney (FindLaw)Field Sobriety Tests and Sobriety Checkpoints (FindLaw)The Current State of Sobriety Checkpoints in California (FindLaw KnowledgeBase)]]>

View the original article here

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