Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Los Angeles DUI Checkpoint Apps Could Soon Be Banned

type="html" xml:lang="en" xml:base=""> There are some cell phone apps that warn drivers of where DUI checkpoints are in the local area, but these apps might not exist for too much longer. According to Time's Techland Blog, four U.S. senators are trying to get Apple, Google, and Research in Motion to stop selling these types of apps because they say that these programs encourage drunk driving.

Checkpointer by Ace Baron and Fuzz Alert Pro by Fuzz Alert are just a couple of applications that are known for posting information about DUI checkpoints in Los Angeles and metro areas across the country, including the location of such roadblocks. DUI lawyers argue, however, that these smartphone apps do not encourage drunk driving and that they even promote traffic safety by informing drivers that they shouldn't get behind the wheel while impaired. Just because an app lets drivers become aware of a DUI checkpoint location, doesn't mean that buzzed driving is encouraged.

]]> DUI lawyers argue, however, that these smartphone apps do not encourage drunk driving and that they even promote traffic safety by informing drivers that they shouldn’t get behind the wheel while impaired. Just because an app lets drivers become aware of a DUI checkpoint location, doesn’t mean that buzzed driving is encouraged.

So should our federal government control the app market? If drivers want to avoid a DUI checkpoint, they can easily learn of sobriety checkpoints through other sources. In the Los Angeles area, local police departments often post information on their website of where checkpoints will be. Internet users will sometimes post on their Twitter or Facebook account if they see a checkpoint in their area. We even publish Los Angeles DUI checkpoint locations on this blog.

CNN recently reported that BlackBerry maker Research in Motion has already agreed to pull smartphone apps that help users avoid DUI checkpoints. We’ll see if Apple and Google follow in RIM’s footsteps.

Related Resources:

Find a Los Angeles DUI Attorney (FindLaw)Los Angeles DUI Attorneys Analyze Sobriety Checkpoints (FindLaw’s Los Angeles DUI Blog)Field Sobriety Tests and Sobriety Checkpoints (FindLaw)]]>

View the original article here

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